Tuesday, April 20, 2021

 Welcome back to Term 2!!

We hope all our families had a wonderful holiday break. We are gearing up for a big Term 2 and we have many exciting things happening. If you have not returned your child's Test Book, please send this back to school by Friday, 23 April 2021. 


Our ANZAC Assembly will be held on Friday, 23 April 2021. If you have any flowers that you may be able to donate to our wreath, we would kindly appreciate them to be brought to school on Thursday. 


We would also like donations of construction materials such as small boxes, string, straws, pop sticks, etc for our Design and Technology projects happening in the next few weeks. More information will come home soon with your child. 


This term our focus value is Resilience, with the sub value being Independence. We have set a big challenge to the students now that they are in Year 4, to be more independent. 


You can assist this at home by;

* Encouraging them to pack their bags the night before school

* Setting up a homework schedule

* Have them create a timetable highlighting which learning areas they have each day to ensure they have the necessary items ie. library books, USB, good running shoes. 

Mrs Oliver and Miss Martin

Classroom Teachers

 Term 3 Week 10 Wow, it has been a busy term! We are so excited for the STEM Learning Journeys tomorrow (21st September). Your child should ...