Sunday, May 23, 2021

 Design and Technology

Last week we tested our house designs, against our chosen natural disaster conditions.

It was an afternoon filled with hope and excitement to see which house could withstand a cyclone, flood, storm or tsunami. 

About half of the cyclone houses managed to hold up to the force of our powerful fan.

Two out of the four houses made for floods, managed to stay strong.

Only one tsunami house outlasted Mrs Oliver's huge bucket of water. Congratulations Josephine!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Design and Technology


During Term 1 and Term 2, we have been looking at house designs and why houses may be built differently in different environments, depending on the conditions.


Students chose a natural disaster and then discussed the types of materials that these houses would need to be made from. They drew a house design, the steps they would need to take to build the house, and then a list of materials to be bought from home. 


This week, we began making our houses in class. We had to think about the best way to join materials, how to reinforce parts of our house and make changes when things didn't work. 


Next week, we hope to test our houses in our chosen natural disaster conditions. 

Will they hold up to a cyclone, flood, storm or tsunami?

Super Scientist Term Two


It is that time of the semester again! Super Scientist is back and it is time to start preparing. Students are asked to present a scientific experiment or demonstration using any relevant equipment. It can be based on any science topic and we ask that they show their interest in this topic by demonstrating a clear understanding and depth of their chosen experiment.

The presentation must be no longer than five minutes and no shorter than two minutes. They may choose to use a PowerPoint or chart to assist their explanation of the scientific concept.

Students will also be assessed on their speaking skills such as eye contact, body language and voice projection.

Presentations will be conducted in Week 6, starting on Monday 24th May and therefore there will be no spelling or mental maths homework in Week 5. This will give the students a chance to focus on their presentations.

There will be a timetable provided under the Motivational Work for Term Two in the coming days. We are very excited to see what the students will deliver.

 Term 3 Week 10 Wow, it has been a busy term! We are so excited for the STEM Learning Journeys tomorrow (21st September). Your child should ...